Before there was anything in our ministry, before there was our beautiful church building or the Television Station Assets, or even the transmission site. There was this little chicken pen and this was where the vision of WORD OF LIFE MINISTRIES began back in 2001.
We were mocked and made fun of on every side, some people even threatened to burn our little church down because who in their right mind would worship God and keep church in a chicken pen. But amidst all the persecution, mockery and putdown we heard from God and we kept on keeping church on these grounds despised by so many.
And today look what the Lord has done people see our glory but people don't know the whole story. Sometimes you just cannot shear your vision with small minded people because they would kill your vision and then they will try to kill you.
Rev: Desmond Richard
This building was Built on sweat and blood brick upon brick and block upon block, like Nehemiah we labored with one hand on the wall and one hand on a machete as we were committed to build and was prepared to defend. And look today we have raised up this memorial unto the Lord our God in a community very steeped in idolatry and witchcraft.
The people would cross rivers wear what they have and travel for miles and miles to come to church. And to see them renounce the gods of their ancestors tear down their altars and are sometimes banished from their families for the sake of their new found faith in Jesus Christ is most rewarding. Yes there are lots of persecution and opposition threats of all kings and the risk of being targeted and marginalized by the religious and political ideologies of the day are very much alive.
But we must push on in the face of adversity if our nation is going to ever experience that hope in Jesus Christ, the harvest over Guyana is very ripe and if we don't thrust in the sickle and reap this harvest we might lose this harvest. Guyana is a very good ground for ministry do consider partnering with us today and together lets evangelize a nation for Jesus Christ.